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Bay Area Brony Spectacular

A My Little Pony Fan-run Convention
April 7 - April 9, 2023
Hyatt Regency SFO

Official Statement From the Marketing/PR Lead From BABSCon 2023

Official Statement From the Marketing/PR Lead From BABSCon 2023

There has been some confusion in our messaging about the amount of capital we are trying to raise to put BABSCon on a more stable hooves for the future.

We want to give you guys a reason to support us for this Capital Campaign Drive beyond just giving you a great convention with fantastic guests and events. We have been trying various methods, merchandise, and sponsorships to raise this money since August, with limited success.

We have devised perks for donating that are amazing. In order to make donation easier and see what perks we are offering we will be running an Indiegogo campaign that will be fulfilled through Backerkit.

Our goal for this Capital Campaign drive is $50,000.00. This is to cover our pressing need of $40,000.00 plus the fees necessary to run the Indiegogo campaign and fulfillment with Backerkit.

In the next few days we will be releasing another State of the Convention video as well as the Indiegogo campaign.

We appreciate your attention, sharing this campaign among your friends and donating if you can, and joining us for this adventure.

If you have any further questions: please email us at


Yours in Friendship,

Dotty Dice

Marketing/ PR Lead

BABSCon 2023

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